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Public Policy

State Legislative Priorities
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Grant Programs– Oppose any harmful legislation amendments, which would decrease and/or eliminate funds available to state and local governments for park land acquisition and development through the selection and distribution process.

Tennessee Recreation Initiative Program (TRIP) - Support the Tennessee Recreation Initiative Program grant program.
Parks and Recreation Technical Advisory Service (PARTAS) - Support balanced, comprehensive, cost effective and professional technical assistance to Tennessee cities, towns and counties.
Tennessee State Parks - Support legislation and budget requests that would allow for improvements to state park operations and maintenance throughout the state.
Tennessee Arts Commission - Support the funding of all grant programs administered by the Arts Commission that is utilized in parks and recreation programming, including Arts Builds Communities, Cultural Cross-Roads, etc.
Safe Play and Work – Oppose any legislation that restricts the rights of local government to management and make rules on lands in which they are liable for activities, including decisions regarding weapons in public parks.
Land Protection- Oppose any legislation that restricts the rights of local governments in placing land in protection for future recreation needs.
Healthy Tennessee – Support legislation increasing opportunities for citizens to get out and be more active and to have more access to nutritious food. Oppose any legislation that reduces the environmental regulations for clean air, water and land in Tennessee.
Federal Legislative Priorities
Land and Water Conservation Fund (State Assistance) - Support the continual allocation of Land and Water Conservation grant funding to states for local projects.
- Oppose budget reductions to the Land and Water Conservation Fund that would eliminate or reduce the level of funding that states will receive for local projects.
Urban Revitalization and Livable Communities Act  - Support revitalization of our urban cities and communities through program passage and funding.
River Trails and Conservation Assistance Program (RTCA) - Support restoration of previously lost funding and new partnership projects with local and state park and recreation agencies to be instituted.
Physical Activity Promotion - Vigorously support legislation that encourages Americans to get active and that include parks and recreation agencies as eligible entities for all suitable matching grant and technical assistance programs.
Children in Nature - Support legislation that creates programs and projects that include parks and recreation agencies as eligible entities that get children outside and actively engaged in nature and environmental learning.
Surface Transportation Act - Support an increase in funding in the reauthorization for the Transportation Enhancements program; bike and pedestrian trails, the Recreational Trails program; boating safety and fishing education; Safe Routes to School; and the other transportation related programs that improve community health and livability.
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